The Uproot Project Environmental Justice Fellowship

At The Uproot Project, we believe important environmental justice stories need to be told. We believe that journalists of color bring critical and fresh perspectives to covering these stories. With The Uproot Project’s Environmental Justice Fellowship, we want to bring the two together — to help underrepresented journalists shed light on undercovered topics. This fellowship will offer funding to seven journalists to pursue reporting projects over the course of a year. Fellows will receive up to $2,000 to cover travel and other reporting expenses and will also receive support from Uproot to place their stories with a media outlet if requested.

Fellows’ projects should focus on stories related to environmental justice — highlighting how the climate crisis and key environmental issues of our time are inextricably linked with other forms of inequity. These are the kinds of stories that have often been left out of the narrative in mainstream environmental journalism and the ones that The Uproot Project is dedicated to uplifting.

Meet the 2024 class of fellows here!

Meet the 2023 class of fellows here!

Meet the 2022 class of fellows here.