The Uproot Project believes in transparency. The rate card outlines what The Uproot Project pays for content and time contributed and we use it to ensure our payments are structured and consistent. This rate card will be updated as we continue to expand our published content and programs. Please email with any questions or concerns.

The Seedling300-500 word narrative newsletter related to provided topic(s). Draft due 7 days prior to scheduled publish date.$300 per issue
Field Notes750-1000 words detailing the writer’s background, daily descriptions of their weekdays and weekends, and 3-5 images. The writer is also asked to do a “Day in the Life” Instagram stories takeover (on The Uproot Project account) on the day their post is published.$300
FellowshipSee Fellowships page for more details$2000 stipend to cover reporting expenses
PanelistPanelists are expected to attend one dry-run session prior to the scheduled event. Panelists are also asked provide short 1-3 sentence answers for 3-5 questions that will be uploaded to Uproot’s resources page to share out after the panel.$250 Honorarium
Fellowship MentorThe mentor’s overall role is to coach the fellow(s) through building their story over the course of the fellowship year. (Each mentor is paired with 1-2 fellows.) This coaching ranges from troubleshooting sources, mining data, organizing their story, and guidance during the pitching and publishing process. The Uproot Project will have a few planned sessions aimed at providing resources for fellows, so the mentor’s role would be supplemental to these sessions. Mentors have a call with their fellow(s) every 3 months to check on their progress, see if they need help, and point them to resources that can help.$500 Honorarium
Chapter LeadersChapter Leaders are Uproot members selected to serve as regional ambassadors for The Uproot Project. Chapter Leaders support the Uproot community in their geographic region, provide feedback from members regarding Uproot’s programming and what support would be helpful to them, help us create resources for Uproot members, and represent Uproot when they attend industry events and conferences.$150 Honorarium